Text: Oxana De Castro

Photo credit: Safa Filipkowski

21 July 2023


What is your first memory of a photo camera? How did you get started in photography?

My first name is Safa and I am currently experiencing my twenty-fifth year of existence. Originally from a small town in the countryside located in the north of France, I recently made the move to Paris in order to explore my full potential in a city that I consider full of freedom and experiences.

I am an orphan and that is partly why I am very proud to carry the identity of the countries that represent me. My father came from Tunisia, while my mother came from Poland and Russia. But because I was never truly attached to these countries on a cultural level, initially, I yearned to be reborn.

I am driven by the spirit of professional success and exploring the ideas in depth. I’m also dedicated to the freedom of expression which allows through my images to tap into the beauty of my past cracks.

How did you come to fashion? What’s your journey?

Fashion wasn’t my main concern as a child: almost all of my clothes had holes in them and were recycled from generation to generation. I had very little money.

Over time, I was able to understand the meaning of fashion. For me “fashion” does not equate to wealth, trend, or a gender, but gives us the power to express who we are through our clothes. And thanks to fashion I have been able to reclaim my self-expression, fashion allowed me to be myself without hiding in the shadows of lies. Fashion gifted me the opportunity to be different each time.

It was when I was homeless that I started to discover my own sense of style in the thrift stores that I found along the way. All I needed was a recycled garment which I would combine with ready-to-wear pieces and my instinctive imagination.

The message I convey behind every outfit is the excellence of my fleeting freedom. Each outfit that I wear highlights my authenticity.

I am able to put together a fun, diverse, bold and visually-expensive look with pieces which only cost a few coins. This is how I ended up sharing my vision on my various social media platforms and during Fashion Week. Although my difference has not always been so acclaimed, I am pleased to share it with an admiring, understanding, and visibly passionate audience. I think I’ve never been immersed in fashion, except when it comes to my favorite designers, such as Jean-Paul-Gaultier. Instead, I have always relied on my instinct, which, as I still believe, should secure my path.

You have such sexy, but boyish at the same time personal style. Can you please tell us about it, how did you come to it? What is the message that you want to portray to the outside word with your style?

In my adoptive family I would often hang with the boys; I would DIY stuff around the house, garden, I would work on mechanical engines and I would ride motorcycle. I used to play for hours in the garden with pebbles or balls.

I think I’ve always had a boyish spirit; I felt safer looking like a boy than a girl.

My biological father was far from being a perfect role model, vs the man who adopted me. By my strength I did my best to pay homage to my mother who lost her life under the blows of the man she had decided to love. I have become what she had absolutely no right to be.

I can’t bear the idea of being camouflaged behind stereotypes that only create complexes. In what we are shown in advertising and social media, we feel that a woman’s beauty is characterized by her weight and height, the length and fairness of her hair, as well as the brightness of her light-colored eyes. I never felt represented by this portrayal of what some call the perfect image of « femininity ». The first time I cut my long black hair, I remember feeling liberated. I didn’t hesitate of cutting it for a second, or even questioned myself about other’s opinion of me and whether or not I would still be considered attractive. I did it for myself.

Distancing myself from social codes and the pressure that is placed on women, I felt free, sexy and beautiful. Shaving my head completely was, in a way, a rebellion against the outside world and a hopeful tribute to women like my mother. I find confidence in proving to the world that my femininity goes far beyond the length of my hair. So, genderless fashion naturally attracts me, it allows for more freedom of expression and it’s open to everyone.

In our current reality, universal codes dictate that we should wear our pants right-side-up, that they should fit us perfectly and not be too long or too baggy. If pants are too wide, people complain about not being able to peer at the body shape of beautiful women and if they are too narrow her body quickly gets perceived as being vulgar. If my hair is short and I wear a three-piece suit, then my sexuality gets questioned and people ask me whether I’m ill, gay, or if I work in business. I object to all these connotations. Shaving my head brought so many positive things. First of all, it allowed me to reveal my true self to the outside world, it helped me understand who I’ve always been and it really made me deconstruct the notion of femininity, especially when it comes to fashion.

I have no problem buying “masculine” clothes to create a gender-free look. Whether my clothes are wide, layered on top of others, upside down or covering only parts of my body, I will never cease to feel proud of my creativity and I’m at peace with the gaze of others. Beyond stereotypes about health, style or militancy, the “masculine” style and the shaved head favor, in my opinion, the liberation of all beings from gender stereotypes.

So, whoever you are, I’m sure your style suits you perfectly thanks to your self-assurance and sense of pride that transmits inside out.

Is there anyone who helps you to create your looks and style you, especially during the Fashion Weeks?

During Fashion Week I particularly like to adapt my looks to the brands that hold events and shows, even if I don’t have an invitation and don’t have the opportunity to enter the premises. I have come to think that some of the most exciting creations can be witnessed outside of fashion shows. With a little audacity and confidence, anything goes. With this thought in mind, I find a goal: that of showcasing my art, my involvement, and ideally, making myself known in the fashion world. In a way, if a brand comes by on Monday, I will use my Sunday to prepare an entire look which exclusively echoes the brand’s identity and current designs. This is how I work and how my imagination gets triggered. Based on wacky ideas, accessories, recycled clothes from my favorite vintage thrift stores or Parisian trash cans. For example, I like the effect of the jacket suit worn inside-out since it brings up so much symbolism. Baggy jeans with an extreme width are also inspiring to me, I like to find other meanings in them through the process of pushing the boundaries of their initial purpose. I love the authenticity I can convey when I wear clothes, which often causes a stir amongst passing people.

It’s a certain impulse that drives me to show up at a fashion show with a look that’s almost identical to the collections that the brand is offering. My mind is quite visionary and futuristic. In other words, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with ideas that pop into my head and some of these turn out to be excellent. I haven’t always had this gift; I developed it through spirituality, books and divine signs. It took periods of extreme distress and sadness to reach a state where I feel that I can openly harness my many talents.

Meeting different creatives, such as world-renowned artists, performers, authors or composers also allows me to find meaning in my existence. It is like a detonator of a process of awareness inside of me.

When it comes to styling my hair, I use my current feelings so whatever I do often comes to me on a whim. Sometimes I just draw the emotion I feel at that moment on my bare head. Messages conveyed through anything other than words are more significant to me.

How do you look during every day life?

In my day to day life, I am rather solitary and introverted. I like to take a step back from the world and its events and take time for myself. The people I hold close can testify that a desire to conquer and to live is at my core. I am a passionate, strange and free being. When it comes to my physical appearance, I wear all of the designs I curate myself, whether it be during fashion week, at my workplace, strolling on the Parisian streets or relaxing on the terrace of a café in summer…Minus the accessories that I stick on my head which do not suit many other contexts than Fashion week, though they make me feel quite powerful and different. Other than that, I like to draw different things on my shaved head, like roses, hearts, flowers, even wild animal patterns. I draw these completely on my own, to represent my current mood. I haven’t gone to the hairdresser since I shaved my head bare.

As for my favorite outfits, those tend to be the ones I put together during winter because, in my opinion, this season makes it possible to exploit a garment in all its forms and without limits. In summer I prefer to style light and comfortable outfits which I embellish with original, timeless pieces and the most iconic pair of sunglasses I can find in my closet. I have a deep love for extravagant, futuristic and incredibly iconic eyewear. But let it be known that I sometimes go out with the clothes that I find on my way out of my room, mismatched socks and an inside-out t-shirt because I’m running late.

You are very courageous in your self expression. Your sexuality is interconnected with the way you express yourself. Have you always been like that? What is self expression for you?

No, I haven’t always acted that way. At the time, I was rather unassuming and even if my appearance does not go unnoticed today; I seem to always feel like I fly under the radar. That is to say that the different things that characterize me do not violate my integrity. I remain simple even while being admired. How can I be myself if I don’t stay true to my core traits and values?

When we talk about self-expression (thoughts, actions, emotions…) we have to remember that such a notion has to be embed in every act, expression and word we have towards ourselves or others. We are unique and strange each in our own way. However, I believe we are ourselves while being « the others » too. Whatever the differences that separate people, there are always more similarities that bring and bind us together.

Using the experiences my path gave me, I learned to think that the keys to owning your own sense of self, whether alone or out in the world, are actually in your hands. By expressing yourself and especially by taking the time to express yourself as you see fit, you open yourself up to a new world. Even if you feel that by expressing yourself you become vulnerable, by doing so you’re opening yourself up to others. Self-expression is therefore a way to feel at peace, to free oneself and let go of the things that hold us back. It is also used for this : through self-expression you can spread positivity and move others. Again, you don’t necessarily need words when you have art and creativity. It’s about manifesting your authentic inner self, it’s about listening to your nature and not giving in to the mirage of artifice.

We may also want to develop a potential that lies dormant within us, and I’m convinced that we can all improve our expression and communication style in order to become a source of inspiration to others.

Where it is easier to make a statement and become famous on Instagram or TikTok? Which one of social media is your favorite?

TikTok is perfect when you aim to become known on social media. I don’t think I have a preference since I like what both platforms have to offer but I think that everyone’s capacity to create different and unique content is reflected the most on TikTok. It seems to me that every user is on the same footing, and that it is enough to offer your content to your community in the most authentic manner possible to trigger a response. However, publishing a video once in a while will not be enough if you want to become famous. It really is a full-time job! If you want to get followers and likes on your profile, you need to be consistent.

On TikTok, people generally have no trouble supporting creators, which isn’t the case on Instagram for example. I sometimes don’t understand the policies of Instagram, especially as a model. Models and content creators often get censored or banned unfairly. Although the opportunities that both platforms offer are considerable, I think there are some inconsistencies with their policies. However, what we must remember is to remain insightful, to believe in ourselves and in our talents. It doesn’t matter what social media you use and how long it will take to trigger the recognition you deserve. I believe you can succeed in receiving what you deserve thanks to your perseverance, your personality and your hard work.

Do you consider yourself a feminist? And if it is so, don’t you consider such photos to be objectifications of the female body?

As a woman, I support feminism, but I don’t especially identify with the term. In my opinion, feminism has become somewhat of a political movement, where only the loudest voices get heard. As a person who works a lot to preserve my inner peace, I don’t always resonate with that. I am an orphan because my mother died because of my violent father, but that does not mean that I despise every man in the world. I believe in the freedom to think, act and defend but I would rather distance myself from all kinds of violence this topic triggers.

If you ask me, the only way to truly be free is to not depend on others. I’ve been planning my life in such a way that I don’t ever have to depend on anyone but myself. That being said, I totally support equal rights whether you are a woman, a man, from the LGBTQ+ community or straight. And as for my photos, I do not consider them to be objectifications of my body. Honestly, being able to show it freely made me feel more appreciative of it. There was a time when my whole body was broken by the weight of various complexes. After all, it is not nudity that objectifies the female body, but the unhealthy and uncomfortable looks it sometimes is subjected to. The female body shouldn’t be defined by any criteria, it is just as sublime as it is and as diverse as it is. It’s all about vision and education. I don’t undress for sexual acts, I subtly undress in order to find my artistry. It’s my way of freeing myself from clichés and categories that do not define me.

I practiced “naked freedom” on the last day of Fashion Week, and I’ve never felt more free. I was completely alone and naked under hundreds of eyes that approved of my bravery. I did not see any objectification there, it was quite the opposite. I don’t really think showing body parts like breasts equates to being inappropriate, it’s only flesh. But whatever my opinion may be, I was still censored by Instagram. I think it’s a shame because I would like for my photos to raise awareness about this issue. I would like for female bodies be as normalized and accepted as naked men’s bodies at the beach.

What is femininity for you?

Well, I believe that femininity is indefinable since it encompasses so many things at once. Society tends to enforce a unique definition of femininity upon us, but I believe that self-love is the key to owning your feminine energy. In general, when someone knows that they lack self-confidence, they immediately obsess over their physical appearance.

For me, femininity is a process of personal growth. I have discovered that I can be loyal to my own self through a better understanding of my triggers, a better visualization of my outer self, an empathization of my fears, through a reappropriation of my words and above all through a more honest position-taking when it comes to my interactions with others. By that last idea I mean that I do no longer allow myself to be defined by others.

Discovering your inner goddess, aligning yourself with your feelings, your choices and values allows you to awaken your divine femininity. And when you do, you start treating yourself like a queen, you never let anyone mistreat you, you respect others and demand the same respect. You can’t ever wait for someone else to give you this power, you must learn to love yourself in order to know how to love others.

Femininity is feeling beautiful from the inside out, feeling confident and not feeling threatened by other confident women. If it bothers you to see a woman who’s proud of herself, it’s because there are things that you need to work on within yourself.

When you discover your divine femininity, you are authentic, you uncover your truest self. You develop unconditional love, which means that you love yourself boundlessly for the strength you own. I want women to know that they’re strong and I want them to become their own best ally. Be courageous, you can take risks when deep down you know it will work out. Femininity is also joy, hope, personal independence and sympathy to others.

I invite you to dare to express your femininity by letting your romantic, sexual and sensual energies flow while respecting your true self.

What are your long term goals?

I believe the first thing I would do if I became famous would be to buy a one-way ticket to an island paradise that would be completely devoid of civilization and I would travel the world in search of experience. I’d love to fully enjoy my freedom without worrying about what the future might bring. Currently, I am looking to explore the depths of my being and my creative potential.

I hope that through the messages I put out into the world I can inspire something else than boredom. I want to inspire others to become the most progressive artists and stylists of all time.

As for me, I dream to model for the greatest magazines. I want to keep my passion alive forever and pass on my ideas to those who are open to discovering them. I hope I’ll be able to thank all of the people who loved me even when I hated myself; the ones who made me feel better or made me unhappy.

I intend to exhibit my art all over the world and to publish the book that I’m currently writing which talks about my path. I’ve always known about the existence of a spark inside of me, but the more time passes the more I believe in the power of letting go, that’s why I like to think that fate will bring me everything I deserve.



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